Friday, August 27, 2010

mother earth sneaky psychic, you...

i just picked up the september issue of mother earth news magazine.

i always want to love magazines but have a difficult time finding ones that suit my interest. mother earth news, readymade and  hobby farm/hobby farm home are about the only ones i get. (aside from the household food porn....we're such foodies in this house. and donna hay, which is an indulgence i rarely submit to...the ultimate in food porn! decadent, so luscious, so...expensive.)

well, this issue of mother earth news had an article "live on less" which rung like a finer detailed echo of my "top 10" post.
i thought it was neato, and i thought i would share it with you, dear reader, if only to remind myself that i'm not the only cheapskate lunatic in the world, oh no,  there is a whole mess of us out there!

aside from that my week of workless freedom has found my garden happy and weed free, my dogs walked and my belly full.
my lover, however has been a bit under the weather.
as much as i sing the praises of living on the cheap there are inevitably bills to pay, and a lousy job market to rely on. and he handles the financial stress with a little less grace than i do, letting it nibble away at his mind and his nerves.
and this week yet another job opportunity flopped over and died on us. for both him and me.

so this evening i'm going to raid the garden, throw together a yummy pasta dish and hope the power of a contented tummy can soothe a discontented mind.

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